Geoff Levitus

Video & Installation

Boat. An installation at Barim, Gwangju, South Korea, in June 2015 comprising a 16m boat made of bamboo & rice sacks, two video projections, light, sound, fog, & series of 10 works on paper each 40 x 30cm. The metaphoric boat, floating in a large darkened space with blue spotlights refracted through fog, sound of crashing ocean waves, cries of people. First incarnation of this project.


Forest of Memories. An installation of video projections onto silk banners, printed & embroidered images on silk banners, & interviews on plasma TVs by Geoff Levitus & Kristine McCarroll during a residency with New Space Arts Foundation in Hue, Vietnam in March 2011. A forest of banners and images to wander through, to wonder about a collective memory in Vietnam.

North South East West. Single channel HD video, (12.15 m), written and directed by Geoff Levitus with music and sound by Alex Formosa. It explores the effects on human relations of disputed borders. Please press here on or the image at left to see extracts.

Prelude to an Installation. This short video was made literally as a prelude to an installation that has yet to take place.

Interiors in search of a resident. Single channel HD video (18m), an exploration of the search for identity and belonging to place; an effort to express the search for belonging that absorbs us all, the search for family, for love, for a community to belong to, for a home. Please press here or on the image at left to see extracts.

Entanglement. Single channel HD video (12m), explores the development of a couple’s relationship, filmed at the Cite Internationale des Arts in Paris. Please press here or on the image at left to see extracts.

Till Death … . Single channel HD video (12m). A strange celebration, a wedding march, in an abandoned psychiatric hospital. Please press here or on the image at left to see extracts.

Atlantis. Single channel HD video, (12m), a surreal evocation of this mythical city, the call of a siren … death and desire. Please press here or on the image at left to see extracts.

Water always finds its own level. Single channel HD video (11.4m) using water as a vehicle to contrast materialism with a Taoist approach to life. Please press here or on the image at left to see extracts.